Post by Admin on Aug 23, 2020 12:50:16 GMT
This thread is for making suggestions for books you'd being interested in reading and discussing with the group. Also for discussing what you'd like to get from the group itself or general chat about books.
Once a book has been agreed upon, we can create a thread for that specific book.
New Member
Posts: 17
Post by twigs on Aug 23, 2020 21:45:32 GMT
This is a good idea! I am in. I don't have a suggestion of a book, but perhaps something available online? and perhaps begin with something a bit shorter?
Post by Admin on Aug 24, 2020 11:50:48 GMT
Some which I have on pdf, so there's the option to share them with anyone who can't find them online. I'll update the list if I find more.
Less than 100 pages
For Women Growing Older The Animus- Jane Hollister Wheelwright
Animus & Anima Emma Jung
Less than 200 pages
Lectures on Jung's Typology - Marie Louise Von Franz & James Hillman
On Divination and Synchronicity The Psychology of Meaningful Chance - Marie Louise Von Franz
Collected Works Vol 17 The Development of Personality Papers on Child Psychology, Education and Related Subjects
Collected Works Vol 9 part 2 Aion Researchers into the Phenomenology of the Self
Complex, Archetype, Symbol in the psychology of C.G.Jung - Jolande Jacobi
Less than 300 pages
The Transcendent Function Jung's Model of Psychological Growth Through Dialogue with the Unconscious - Jeffrey C Miller
Less than 400 pages
Women Who Run with the Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estès
The Animus Spirit of Inner Truth in Women Volume 1 - Barbara Hannah
More than 400
The Red Book Liber Novus Readers Edition - C. G. Jung
Collected Works Vol 06 Psychological Types
Collected Works Vol 5 Symbols of Transformation
Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche - Marie Louise Von Franz